Learn windsurf & sup

Windsurf, Wingsurf and SUP Supervised rentals  2024

All the supervised rentals are on flexible days and hours that better fits in your Schedule.

All the supervised rentals include, in addition to the equipment, insurance for damages, wetsuit, harness if needed and protection vest. After some  courses you get a 20% discount in your first rental. Beginner supervised rentals take place in the shallow flat water in front of the station with safe, onshore wind.

Windsurfing Supervised Rental

Beginner windsurfing supervised rental are done with specialized beginner equipment. Learn the basic theory and safety issues. At the end, you will be an independent rider, knowing how to tack and jibe, going upwind, beachstart and returning at the same place.

Personal Group of 2 Group of 3 Group of 4 – 6*
1 hour  supervised rental (recommended  for young kids) 60€ 50€/person 45€/person 40€/person
2 hours  package (1h supervised rental & 1h free practice) 80€ 70€/person 65€/person 60€/person
4 hours package (4 hours supervised rental- recommended  for young kids) 230€ 185€/person 165€/person 150€/person
8 hours package (4h supervised rental +4h free practice*) 300€ 260€/person 240€/person 220€/person
1 day "dedicated surfer" (1h supervised rental & all day free practice) 100€ 90€/person 85€/person 75€/person
4 days  "dedicated surfer" package (4h supervised rental & the rest of  day practice) 360€ 325€/person 300€/person 270€/person


-Family package: 2 adults +kids under 18 – 10% in (4-6) group prices. (only prebooked )

-Prebooked supervised rental packages -10% (valid for 4days dedicated supervised rental)

-After the 4days package -20% first rental

-Free rental for boards considered after the supervised rental or the day that your supervised rental takes place (for dedicated packages)

Advance windsurfing  supervised rental are considered a step up , you will learn to waterstart, how to jibe, how to use the harness, getting in the footstraps, planing for the first time  blasting upwind , Chop Hop, Fast Tacks, Jumping. Here your confidence is built up to advance to the next level.

Private Group of 2-3person
1 hour  supervised rental 80€ 65€/person
1 hour supervised rental supervised rental  (no equipment) 65€/ 50€/person
3 hours package (3days) 215€ 175€/person
3 hours   package supervised rental (3days no equipment) 175€ 140€/person

-After the 3h package -20% first rental

Pro windsurfing supervised rental: First Freestyle Tricks like spock grubby and flaka or the latest tricks like burner culo and shaka. Pro supervised rentals are private.

1 hour 100€
1hour  no equipment 85€
3h 270€
3h no equipment 230€

-After the 3h package -20% first rental


Personal Group of 2 Group of 3 Group of 4 – 6*
1 hour  supervised rental (beginner's level) 80€ 70€/person 65€/person 60€/person
2 hours  package (1h supervised rental & 1h free practice- beginner's level) 100€ 90€/person 85€/person 80€/person
4 hours package (4 hours supervised rental- beginner's level+foil introduction) 300€ 260€/person 240€/person 220€/person
8 hours package (4h supervised rental +4h free practice-beginner's level+foil introduction) 370€ 340€/person 320€/person 300€/person
2 hours  package (1h supervised rental & 1h free practice- WING OR WIND SURF advance level) 130€ 120€/person 110€/person *
6 hours  package (3h supervised rental & 3h free practice- WING OR WIND SURF advance level) 370€ 345€/person 320€/person *


-Prebooked supervised rental packages -10% (valid for 6 or 8 hours packages)

-After the 6 or 8 hours package -20% first rental

-Free rental for boards considered after the supervised rental or the day that your supervised rental takes place (for dedicated packages)

Stand Up Paddle boards Supervised Rental

1 hour supervised rental (group of 1-7 persons) 45€/person